This working group aims to serve as a foundation for the systematic management of the DAO Treasury, focusing on long-term financial analytics and planning, as well as the development of a sustainable financial strategy for the DAO.

Systematic Treasury management will help diversify economic risks, improve transparency, and create additional revenue streams for the DAO.

The suggested measures include, but are not limited to, improving financial reporting and transparency, expanding the DAO's holdings across a range of assets, and adopting efficient systems for managing the DAO Treasury.

Original Proposal:


Ensure Effective Operation of DAO Treasury: Develop and implement internal controls to ensure the DAO Treasury is operating effectively and transparently. Regularly monitor and optimize these controls.

Improve Transparency: Adopt best practices to improve financial transparency. Develop accessible and clear financial reporting and dashboards.

Financial Guidelines and Templates: Formulate comprehensive financial guidelines and templates for decision making, including the diversification of DAO's holdings across a range of assets.

Optimize DAO Treasury Operations: Continuously assess and enhance treasury operations to ensure efficient use of resources.

Establish DAO Financial Programs: Develop programs like liquidity provision or asset investment to generate additional revenue streams.

Develop DAO Financial Strategy: Construct a comprehensive financial strategy considering both short-term and long-term financial goals, aligning with the DAO's mission.

Comprehensive Risk Assessment: Develop risk assessment strategies to manage various financial risks, including economic and investment risks.

Define Financial Budgets: Set long and short-term financial budgets to guide DAO's financial decisions.

Develop Internal Control Framework: Establish a framework to ensure treasury activities are carried out within the set guidelines and principles and ensure compliance.

Community Engagement: Facilitate discussions about treasury management within the Community, ensuring their feedback is incorporated into the treasury management process.

Establish a DAO Treasury Committee or Squad: Should the Community decide, a dedicated team will be established to oversee the implementation, monitoring, and optimization of the treasury management process.

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